Linux Cubed Series 8: LINUX Games
Linux Cubed Series 8 - LINUX Games.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
195 lines
#ifndef _WORLD_H
#define _WORLD_H
#include "mytypes.h"
#include "graph.h"
#include "array.h"
#include "list.h"
class Rivers;
class City;
// the first 4 bits give the terrain type
// LAND is only used to make the world after that it is replaced
// by the right type
const ushort TERRAIN = 0x0f; // use this mask to get the terrain type
// depends on terrain type
// forest -> game, hills -> coal, jungle -> gems, mountains -> gold
// plains -> horses, swamp -> oil, desert -> oasis
const ushort GOODIE = 0x10;
const ushort ROAD = 0x20;
const ushort IRRIG = 0x40;
const ushort RAILROAD = 0x80;
const ushort MINED = 0x100;
const ushort POLLUTED = 0x200;
const int HorizSpace = 64;
const int VertSpace = 8;
const int SquareWidth = 16;
const int SquareHeight = 16;
const int SquaresWide = (ScreenWidth-HorizSpace)/SquareWidth;
const int SquaresHigh = (ScreenHeight-VertSpace)/SquareHeight;
class MsgQ;
class World
World(int MaxX, int MaxY, int ContDist, int ChunkSize, int NumChunks,
int LandPercent, int NumRivers, int RiverLength);
World(MsgQ *); // get the world from the message Q
World(); // read from save file
void Save(); // save to save file
void AllocColors();
int What(int x, int y) { return world(x,y); }
void Set(int x, int y, int what) { world(x,y) = what; }
int Terrain(int x, int y) { return What(x, y) & TERRAIN; }
int IsGoodie(int x, int y) { return world(x, y) & GOODIE; }
// if there are any units then the first will be drawn
// if there is a city it will be drawn
// otherwise the terrain is drawn
void Draw(int x, int y);
void Draw(int x, int y, int cols, int rows, int atx, int aty);
// same as Draw except that we only draw one square and units
// are ignored
void DrawBase(int x, int y, int atx, int aty);
int MaxX() { return maxX; }
int MaxY() { return maxY; }
void Send(); // send the world over the socket
void MakeVisible(int x, int y)
{ visible(x,y) = visible(x,y) == 0 ? 2 : visible(x,y)+1; }
void LoseVisible(int x, int y)
{ --visible(x,y); }
// zone-of-control stuff
int OpponentPresent(int player, int x, int y);
int NextToOpponent(int player, int x, int y);
// how much around you is visible
void SeeSquare(int x, int y, int side = 1);
void HideSquare(int x, int y, int side = 1);
double SquareDefense(int x, int y, int attacker);
// returns true if you can see enemy units in that square
int Visible(int x, int y) { return visible(x,y) > 1; }
// returns real visibility
int RealVisible(int x, int y) { return visible(x, y); }
List<ulong> &Units(int x, int y) { return units(x,y); }
ulong &WhichCity(int x, int y) { return cities(x,y); }
// returns the id of the city who is working on this square
// is 0 if no city is using it
ulong &Working(int x, int y) { return working(x, y); }
// color the main map
void MarkSquare(int x, int y, int c);
void DrawMainMap(); // redraws the main map
int WaterColor() { return waterColor; }
int LandColor() { return landColor; }
int Food(int x, int y, int player);
int Prod(int x, int y, int player);
int Trade(int x, int y, int player);
int IsRoad(int x, int y) { return What(x, y) & ROAD; }
void MakeRoad(int x, int y);
int IsRailRoad(int x, int y) { return world(x, y) & RAILROAD; }
void MakeRailRoad(int x, int y);
int Irrigated(int x, int y) { return What(x, y) & IRRIG; }
void Irrigate(int x, int y);
int Mined(int x, int y) { return world(x, y) & MINED; }
void Mine(int x, int y);
int Polluted(int x, int y) { return world(x, y) & POLLUTED; }
void Pollute(int x, int y);
void UnPollute(int x, int y);
void DrawSquare(int wx, int wy, int xc, int yc);
int FixX(int x) { return (x+maxX)%maxX; }
int FixY(int y) { return (y+maxY)%maxY; }
int IrrigTime(int x, int y);
int RoadTime(int x, int y);
int RailRoadTime(int x, int y);
int MineTime(int x, int y);
int UnPolluteTime(int x, int y);
typedef List<ulong> LongList;
Array<ushort> world;
Array<LongList> units;
Array<ulong> cities;
Array<ulong> working;
Rivers *rivers;
// if 0 then black, if it is 1 we draw the terrain, bigger than
// that we draw any units there too
Array<uchar> visible;
int maxX, maxY;
static char **pictures[LAST_TERRAIN_TYPE];
static char **goodiePics[LAST_TERRAIN_TYPE];
static long compiledPictures[LAST_TERRAIN_TYPE];
static long compiledGoodies[LAST_TERRAIN_TYPE];
static double terrainDefense[LAST_TERRAIN_TYPE];
static long minedPic;
static long irrigPic;
static long roadPic;
static long railPic;
static long polluPic;
static long basketPic;
static long fishPic;
static long rivgoodPic;
static int waterColor, landColor, blackColor;
void GrowChunk(int &xp, int &yp, int type);
int Verify(int x, int y, int dist, int type, int where);
void NewChunk(int &xp, int &yp, int dist, int type, int where);
int MakeChunk(int x, int y, int dist, int type);
int MakeTerrain(int max, int percent, int NumChunks, int ChunkSize,
int ContDist, int type, int where);
// MarkM changed GivesWater to not give water from city hexes, because
// he also made city hexes on clearish terrain automatically irrigated.
int GivesWater(int x, int y)
{ return (Irrigated(x, y) && !cities(x, y))
|| Terrain(x, y) == WATER || Terrain(x, y) == RIVER;